31 julio 2008

Primera imágen in-game de ArmA II

Los creadores del genial e inigualable Operation Flashpoint vuelven a la carga con ArmA II. Bohemia Interactive ha colgado la primera imágen in-game del juego y ya sabemos qué es lo que podemos esperarnos de esta gente, un simulador en condiciones.


La nota de prensa:

"Bohemia Interactive Studio, the developer of the critically acclaimed, highly realistic military simulations ArmA: Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint*, announce the release of the first genuine ArmA 2 in-game screenshot. 

“Here, at Bohemia Interactive, we strongly believe in fair attitude towards our customers. Therefore we have a very strict policy when it comes to publishing in-game screenshots. We guarantee and take pride in the fact that the screenshots are not processed in any way that would make them look better than in the actual gameplay. What you see is what you get.” Says Bohemia Interactive Studio’s CEO Marek Spanel."

Podéis ver la imágen a una resolución mayor en Gamersyde.

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